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MM Challenge Logo 2020 - Dark BG-01.png

The 2020 Movement & Mental Health Challenge is an opportunity to develop healthy physical & mental habits over a month-long challenge in a fun and supportive environment.  The challenge itself is simple:  every day we ask you to do 2 things:

MM Challenge 2020 - Movement - Light BG-

Move for 30 Minutes

MM Challenge 2020 - Mental Health - Ligh

Do something positive for your mental health.

HOW you decide to do that is completely up to you.  Running, cycling, swimming, yoga, walking.  Journaling, reading, going to bed earlier, meditating, reaching out to friends.  All are acceptable.  The idea is for you to find your thing...then get into the habit of doing it every single day. 

In addition to the challenge, all participants will receive free access to:

• private Facebook group only for participants


• weekly virtual workouts with Innovative Fitness

  • Tues, Nov. 3rd, 7-8am

  • Tues, Nov. 10th, 7-8pm

  • Fri, Nov. 20th, 7-8am

  • Thur, Nov. 26th, 8-9am


• Team-based Bonus Challenges throughout the month - prizes for team with most points!


•  virtual Mental Health Panel on Wednesday, Nov. 18th, 6:30-8pm


• virtual Trivia Night hosted by Stanley Park Brewing on Saturday, Nov. 28th, 7pm


• prize package for largest fundraiser


• special offers & webinars from our Challenge Partners

Cost:  CAD$60.00

CAD$45 from each entry will be donated to the Movember Foundation Canada and will include a charitable tax receipt.


1.  Are there points?  Awards?  Prizes?


The daily challenge has no points or award system.  It's a challenge you do for YOU to develop healthier habits in your every day life.  The Team Bonus Challenges will have a points system and there are prizes for the team with the most points (Bonus Challenges can also be done solo).  There will be three prize packages awarded for the month: 1) Largest Fundraiser, 2) Trivia Day team winners, and 3) Team Bonus Challenge winners.


2.  Do I HAVE TO do the same thing every single day?  What about rest days?  What if something isn't working for me?  What if I get injured?


You do not have to do the same thing every day.  If you're a regular runner, maybe you commit to running 3-4 days a week, having a strength training day, and taking an easy 30 minute walk on your rest day.  Maybe you spend a week meditating and absolutely hate it.  You're free to try something else.  Plus, life happens.  If something isn't working, adapt and move forward.  The point is, you're committing to setting time aside each and every day to move your body and work on your mental health. How that works best for you is completely up to you.


3.  I don't want to do the challenge but I totally want in on that Trivia Night.  Can I pay just for that?


Other than the Mental Health Panel, the virtual activities are ONLY for Challenge participants this year.  The Mental Health Panel will be free for Challenge participants, but will also have a separate paid registration for all others.  The workouts and Trivia Night are limited to Challenge participants only.


4.  I always fundraise through my work team on the Movember site.  Can I still win the largest fundraiser prize?


No.  If we cannot count the funds as raised through the Moustache Miler event, then those funds aren't eligible for Moustache Miler prizing.  But we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for helping support Movember however you choose to do so.


5. I want to pay for my corporate team to do the challenge.  Can I do this?


Yes.  And you're awesome.  Email our event organizer Shannon Banal for further details.


6.  This looks amazing but 2020 has been hard for me and I just can't afford to do it.  Is there any way I can be involved?


We know this year has been hard for a lot of people.  Which is why we have set aside a limited number of $15 entries for those who are experiencing financial hardship.  If you'd like to inquire about the special pricing, please Email us.  



Ready to Move for Movember?

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